Upload Image &
Use Colorize Background

Looking to make your image stand out? Why not try adding a colorful background? It's really simple and will give your picture a playful and lively vibe.

Drag and drop your image here to remove the background (max size: 20 MB)

How to Remove Background
from any image in few seconds?

Step 1

Choose a picture 📷

To remove the background from a picture, click on 'Upload image' and select the photo you want to remove background easily.

You can use PNG or JPG for your pictures. We accept all picture sizes.

Step 2

Let magic remove the background

Our tool takes out the background of your picture by itself. Then, you can pick a color for the new background.

Our most demanding options are white and transparent backgrounds, but you can pick any color you like.

Step 3

Get your picture now 😎

Once you choose a new background color, simply download your photo and you're finished!

You can also save your picture in the 'RemoveBG App' by creating an account.

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